Field Days & Presentations

Livestock Management and Nutrition - Now and going forward 9th July 2024

This Information day was a sell out, with over 80 people and so much fantastic feedback.

With limited pasture growth and scarce access to fodder going into winter, this day was brought together to look at what can we do to ensure our livestock are getting what they need at critical times.

Considering early weaning? What are the current animal health risks on the Fleurieu? Not sure if you have enough hay in the shed or if it's good enough? What stock or paddocks do you prioritise? Add a bit of forward planning to help keep your weaners, breeders and pastures ticking.

Expectations dot Points

Notes from the Table exercises.

Penny Schulz - SA Drought Hub - Presentation

Simon Edwards - Willunga Vet Services. - Presentation

Jim Walsh - MSD/Coopers Technical Vet. - Presentation

Colin Trengove - Pro Ag Consulting. - Presentation

Greg Mitchell - FPAG Agronomist. - Presentation

These events wouldn't be possible without funding from our awesome funding bodies:

The SA Drought Hub, Future Drought Fund, AgRi-Silience- delivered by Livestock SA on behalf of PIRSA and the Farm Business Resilience program of the Future Drought Fund

Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board


Full house at the Mount Compass Footy clubrooms.

Filling Feed Gaps Workshop Series 2023/24

Workshop 1 - Breakfast Workshop - 18th April 2023 - Mount Compass

The only way to know what you're really feeding is to test. It doesn't matter if you have made hay/silage the same way on the same paddocks for years, extensive feed testing across the regions proves that timing and storage is the key to good quality fodder production and drought preparedness.

Just because hay looks and smells good, doesn't mean it is any better than straw.

The past season has certainly shown the effects of an extended fodder production period. With local fodder testing showing energy and protein levels are extremely poor along with a high NDF% (Neutral Detergent Fibre).

This workshop helped update knowledge and improve understanding of the

  • Importance of timing

  • Hay vs Silage

  • How to interpret and work around poor fodder test results for livestock production

Our presenters for this workshop were

  • Tim Prance - T Prance Rural Consulting

  • Colin Trengove - Pro Ag Consulting

Workshop 2 - Timing is Key - 20th September 2023 - Myponga

This was an on farm update on the main things to consider leading up to deciding when to start Silage and Hay production. We also discussed how to use feed tests as a tool to help improve future fodder production and feed rationing and discussed different options for different systems.

Topics included

Target dates & triggers - when to cut, timing between cutting/baling. Rain is forecasted!

Processes - tedding, mower, conditioner, additives, wrap/tube/pit etc.

Best practice fodder conservation - dealing with moisture, silage vs hay. Talking to your contractor/customers.

Feed testing - what you can learn.

Presenters - Tim Prance & Mikaela Baker

Workshop 3 - Turning tests into feeding decisions - 19th March 2024


Highly complimentary subjects which should be considered together, giving you the biggest bang for your buck (TIME). This workshop brought together the results of our 2 year project.

Tim Prance

  • Preparing a feed budget

  • Feed assessments

  • Considerations

Mikayla Baker

  • Analyse a feed test and how to utilise that decision making

  • Nutrition and quality considerations.

Fleurieu Farming Field Day 29th April 2022

Parawa Ag Bureau, Fleurieu Farming Systems and the Fleurieu Beef Group presented an on-farm field day that provided an opportunity for farmers to view some new tillage options. These two new machines are helping minimise or eliminate the need for herbicides in the preparation of cropping land.

Site visit 1 - Koolah - Demonstrating the SoilKee Renovator in action and viewing results from earlier plantings.

Site visit 2 - Nanto - Demonstrating the recently developed 4m wide Kelly Tililage Machine working in thick kikuyu thatch in preparation for seeding.

Watch Parawa Ag Bureau’s Instagram Video.

Extending the season with Summer fodder crops Workshops 6th and 8th December 2021

Working towards a resilient Hills and Fleurieu region!

The Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board's Sustainable Agriculture team drove this project and worked with Fleurieu Farming Systems on a multi-species summer fodder cropping demonstration at five farm sites in the Waitpinga, Willow Creek, Inman Valley and Myponga areas. Each site included 12 plant species supplied by S&W Seed Co.

It was envisaged that the fodder crops would extend the stock feeding season, increase soil biological activity and make use of any summer rains. The second year was postponed due to the lack of rain.

Full report to come.

Feed Budgeting and Nitrogen in the Soil

Presentations —

Melissa Rebbeck N and the soil

Hamish Dickson – Feed Budgeting and Management


Field Day on the Fleurieu – Soil Health and Water Use

Presentations —

Deane Belfield

Melissa Rebbeck

Peter Toome

Jeremy Nelson

Greg Mitchell

Red Meat Connect BBQ - 8th Febrary 2024

FFS hosted a BBQ at the Myponga Footy Clubrooms with funding through Livestock SA and The SA Drought Hub as part of the Red Meat Connect BBQ project. Bringing farmers and community together. Some good workshop ideas came from suggestions.

Biosecurity Workshop Series 2023

Workshop 1 - Footrot - 4th May 2023 - Parawa

Guest presenter Dr Colin Trengove. An opportunity for open learning and discussion on Footrot. Helping producers distinguish between Footrot and Scald and understanding the treatment options, management, reporting and biosecurity differences between them.

Demonstrating how and where to look for signs of Footrot or Scald.

Workshop 2 - Electronic ID’s - 26th May 2023 - Myponga

Guest presenter Michelle Cousins (Cousins Merino Services) discussed how to implement and utilise EID’s to capture data efficiently and economically to help improve production and biosecurity.

Michelle’s Presentation

Mandy Bowling and Pene Keynes from LivestockSA presented on Emergency Animal Disease threats and the advantages of EID’s and Biosecurity Plans.

Michelle Cousins - Cousins Merino Services.

Workshop 3 - Biosecurity Webinar on Feral Animals - 3rd August 2023

An engaging 1 hour webinar where we delved into the impacts of feral animals on farm biosecurity and provided practical steps to mitigate those risks.

Presented by Brad Page - PIRSA Principal Biosecurity Officer, Jeremy Rogers, PIRSA Senior Veterinary Officer, Pene Keynes and Mandy Bowling from LivestockSA.

Link to Webinar Recording.

Biochar and Pasture field day 16th May 2017

A field walk was conducted on the 16th of May at the biochar site at Willow Creek and was to coincide with a meeting of the Fleurieu Beef Group. It was also advertised to the Parawa Agricultural Bureau Group. Members of both groups were able to bring others along. There were 30 farmers in attendance.  A presentation was provided on the results to date of the biochar trial and an update on the soil health trial was provided. A copy of the presentation is provided here

Pictured above: Pasture cages on Lucerne and Phalaris at Willow Creek and farmers in background at pasture walk.

Pictured above: Pasture cages on Lucerne and Phalaris at Willow Creek and farmers in background at pasture walk.

Field day at Delamere on 30th March 2017.

Funding from the AWI supported “Sheep Connect” program was provided to conduct a field day at Delamere on 30th of March 2017 also supported by AMLR NRM. Peter Filsell property (chair of the FFF) was used to host the day. Several presentations were provided including the one in this Link provided by the Soil health project manager Melissa Rebbeck, giving a rundown of the soil health case study sites and the biochar site.

Pictured above: Farmers and advisors looking at mobile dipping truck at Delamere Field Day.

Pictured above: Farmers and advisors looking at mobile dipping truck at Delamere Field Day.

Pictured above: Peter Filsell (FFF Chair) showing custom made sheep drafting equipment at Delamere Field Day.

Pictured above: Peter Filsell (FFF Chair) showing custom made sheep drafting equipment at Delamere Field Day.