Our Board Members
Alistair Just
Chair | alistairjust@hotmail.com | 0417 802 989
I am the manager of St Vincents Pty Ltd, which has been in my family since 1902, located at Sellicks Hill and covering 1400ha of owned land and 200ha of lease. We currently run 22,000 DSE’s, made up of 6000 breeding ewes and 300 breeding cows. The sheep breed is Highlander (composite) with genetics from ProBreed, and the cattle are pure Angus with genetics from Moyles Pathfinder.
The property is run with non-conventional farming practices including multi species cover crops (up to 15 varieties), we make our own compost, rotational graze paddocks, aim to revegetate 20% of the property and slowly reducing paddocks to <10ha. 45ha of the property is under permanent irrigation for finishing lambs. The irrigation is controlled with smart technology linked to soil moisture probes and an on farm weather station.
Peter Filsell
Treasurer | pfilsell@westnet.com.au | 0427 534 095
I have recently retired from running a commercial Prime lamb and wool operation with about 1600 self-replacing composite ewes and 30 head of beef cattle on a 300ha property at Delamere adjacent to Deep Creek Conservation Park.
I have lived on the Fleurieu Peninsula for over 60 years and have a reasonably good understanding of the various farming systems and am still a member of the Parawa Agricultural Bureau.
Alice Morley
Secretary | alicem@fpag.com.au | 0429 985 250
I have a strong background in Agriculture, earthmoving, quarrying & financial services. I completed my Bachelor of Ag Science at Waite back in ‘98 & have worked in the Ag industry on the Fleurieu, KI, & Upper SE ever since. I have always had a focus on servicing the agricultural sector, pairing my Ag experience with earthmoving/mining, business planning & risk insurance/succession planning (Also have diplomas in Mortgage brokering & Financial Planning (’06).
I have been on the board of FFS since 2018, serving as board secretary. Am a member of the Parawa Ag Bureau, Victor Harbor Agribusiness Working Group & a Livestock Advocate. My passion is animal health & finding ways to improve production through improved knowledge, practices & improved soil & pasture health.
I also have interests in AgTech & continued interests in collaborative quarrying.
Ben Noble
Board Member | bjn@burnfoot.com.au | 0447 714 706
I run a 100,000dse commercial mixed farming operation in the Fleurieu and Upper South East of South Australia. We specialise in beef and prime lamb production across 3 large scale properties employing 12 permanent staff. We are profit driven, evidence based and commercially focused with all our strategies and farm plans which has resulted in some high performing agricultural assets in recent times.
Past experience includes managing mixed farming operations in Central and Western NSW with experience in sheep, cattle, cropping and seed-stock. I have experience in farm acquisitions, set up and management with a larger focus on the livestock industry in higher rainfall reliable areas. I graduated with a Bachelor of Farm Business Management with distinction via University of Sydney in 2006.
Sandy Nott
Board Member | awc@ffms.co | 0439 802 585
I am a commercial beef producer. We have 920Ha of arable land plus a further 400Ha of leased land at Inman Valley and Myponga. We have 500 breeding cows and a further 1100head of trading stock. We use confinement pens for summer feeding from February through to June. We do contract farm work including seeding, spraying, fertiliser spreading and excavator work.
I also run ‘Fleurieu Farm Management Services’, a business that looks after rural properties as far as advice on how to bring existing properties up to speed with regards to soil health and productivity. I am also involved with a family Agricultural property in the UK. I studied Agriculture at Marcus Oldham College, Victoria.
Alister Carmichael
Board Member | alistercarmichael@yahoo.com.au | 0422 845 470
I run the family farm, "'Santa Cruz'' in the Waitpinga area just west of Victor Harbor. It is 1100Ha. The farm has been in the family since 1889 and over the generations it has been run with a mix of wool and prime lambs (2000ewes), beef cattle (130 breeders) and 100 Ha of crop for grain and hay.
Ben DellaTorre
Board Member | ben.dellatorre@sa.gov.au | 0407 010 361
I am currently the Manager of Landscape Operations for the Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board. The Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board is one of eight regional landscape boards established under the Landscape South Australia Act 2019, which supports communities and land managers to improve the management of the region's landscapes.
After completing a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Science from the University of South Australia my 20-year working career has included work in both the private and public sector. In my early career I worked for the Pastoral Board of South Australia undertaking Pastoral Lease Assessments and Inspections across the Pastoral lands of South Australia.
After this period, I became a private consultant working on major projects across the mining and tourism sectors throughout Australia. In 2015 an opportunity to work locally with the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges NRM Board allowed me to return to work on the Fleurieu where I have lived my entire life.